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One of the benefits of using R is the beautiful graphs that you can create easily. However, as sometimes you want to write a document in Word or PowerPoint or you need to collaborate with others who are using these programs, the need to export your figures becomes a hassle. Moreover, usually it will be as a non-editable picture. Lately, I found the export package which allows you to export your graphs and outputs into a nice and neat editable office objects.


In this post I will try to gather nice shortcuts that I tend to use or I wish to use more often. I will try to keep it updated! Multiple Cursors Using R Studio as our IDE, we can edit multiple places at the same time with "multiple cursors". We can create multiple cursors by: Ctrl+Alt and use the keyboard up/down arrows In addition, we can use Ctrl + Alt + Shift and the keyboard arrows to skip rows, position, etc.


The other day Netflix suggested me to watch the TV show Friends. As I really enjoyed watching it as kid, I figured it would be nice to watch it again. However, this time, first I wanted to do some text and rating analyses to the show :) We can start by loading the required packages: library(tidyverse) library(tidytext) library(skimr) ## ## Attaching package: 'skimr' ## The following object is masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter I also used functions from these packages:


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(2021). HyPyP: a Hyperscanning Python Pipeline for inter-brain connectivity analysis. In: Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, (16), 1-2, pp. 72–83,,


My CV in PDF format.
